Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Fitness for Real Life

There's a new gym out in Albany, Calif., that seems to be catching on -- The Ice Chamber. According to the article I read, it's fitness for real life. There are boot camp classes in the mornings that people attend five days a week. The routine always changes, and it incorporates cardio, strength training, yoga, pilates, etc. The focus is not just making customers look and feel better, but also to help people live their everyday life better. The workouts are supposed to make you better able to lift groceries, work around the house and generally kick butt.

The Ice Chamber started when the owners and husband and wife team, Steven Khuong and Maya Garcia suffered a miscarriage. Maya then went from a couch potato to a fitness machine. I like the idea that these guys have been where we are and changed their lives and their bodies. It makes you realize it can be done. Their baby is due in April.

The site even has a blog and I have to say, the people look like they're having a blast. Does anyone know of a place like this in Massachusetts?

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